Thesis Examination Registration

  1. Students must PASS all courses, i.e., there is no D for each subject by checking the transcript and study result card (KHS)
  2. Check for plagiarism at Study Programme office by paying at the bank in advance (required to show proof of payment)
  3. Students complete the file and submit it to the Study Programme office. The form can be downloaded on the 
  4. Students register to take part in the thesis examination no later than one month after the ratification of the research abstract signed by the supervisor
  5. Students take the thesis exam session according to the schedule determined by the Study Programme
  6. The results of the trial will be submitted when the head of the examiners team declares over the trial


Students continue to follow the recommendation procedure from the board of examiners as written in the minutes of the trial.


Students follow procedures for making recommendations from the board of examiners

  1. Students who are declared to have passed or did not pass will continue to carry out revision guidance as recommended by the examining board
  2. Complete the revision in accordance with the recommendations and or suggestions of the examiners a maximum of one week after the exam with evidenced by the signatures of all examiners
  3. Students collect thesis manuscripts to the library
  4. Students verify to the Study Programme office
  5. Students can proceed to the judicial and graduation registration process 
