Congratulations! Faye Goes to Liverpool Makes UMM Communication Proud

Friday, June 24, 2022 03:27 WIB

Fasya Tiara Meilenia (Faye), UMM Communication Science student, becomes one of the six students who receive the Indonesian International Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2022. Through a super-rigorous selection, she obtained the opportunity to join exchange studies at the University of Liverpool, England.

She feels so grateful for her achievement because formerly she has been looking for opportunities to study abroad for free.

“I consider to have wide open opportunity for such experience when I become a UMM student. And it’s true. I got that chance, thank God,” she admitted. Going to UK is her first experience of going abroad. Besides, this is her second time to get on a plane after having dreamed of it since childhood. 

Faye, the first child of three girls, was born in Probolinggo on May 2, 2000. Her father died in 2020 and she currently lives with her mother and two sisters. Such condition makes her even more excited to show that she has the ability.

Entering the UMM Communication in 2019, she felt her major is appropriate for her. In addition to love learning language, she also takes part in radio broadcasting, public speaking, expand networking, and teamwork.

Attending online class for three semesters due to covid-19 pandemic, Faye continued to look for students exchange information even it was carried out online. Since this semester in which the class conducted offline, she began to take advantage of this opportunity to look for students exchange program to overseas. 

Faye will leave for England on September with her 25 fellow IISMA winners who take on the University of Liverpool. They are mostly from large campuses, such as UI, Unpad, ITB, and UGM.

They have to take three courses at Liverpool on a cross-discipline until January 2023. “I got History Heritage, Music, and Context. Also, Media, Self and Society which relate to Communication Science,” explained the alumni of MAN 2 Probolinggo. 

Faye is currently applying for the visa with other IISMA awardees. They frequently conduct coordination online. Although she becomes the only one student from private university, she never feels inferior.

“I am confident though at the meetings I am the only one who studies at private university. When I said doing practice while attending the meeting, they ask what is the communication practice like at UMM?”

By doing such conversation, Faye often shares her experience of studying at UMM. The other students’ curiosity about UMM Communication practice makes her proud. “How come, UMM Communication practice has 5 credits, the practice is real not just a simulation,” the winner of 145 Duolingo score or equivalent to 8.0 IELTS conveyed. 

Regarding the mastery of English, Faye has her own experience. She learned English when she was in kindergarten and elementary school. After that, she never takes English course anymore because it’s just a matter of using it. 

“In my opinion, language is studied when we were child. After that, it should be applied anywhere, including when studying and daily association,” said this UMM FM radio activist, International Language Forum (ILF) member, and English Debating Society (EDS) UMM participant. Beside UMM, she is also active in Perhumas Muda Malang.

Faye advised to her younger classmates to explore abilities and opportunities. “Never stop trying,” she said while encouraging other students to make all efforts should be made with high commitment. Moreover, she thanked to UMM through IRO which has prepared things that make her reach this achievement. 

The head of UMM Communication, Nasrullah, is proud of Faye’s achievement. He expects to see more UMM Communication students to achieve such international achievements.

“IISMA is one of the programs. There are much more opportunities out there, such as Erasmus Mundus, and other U to U cooperation,” said Nasrullah. 

Currently, UMM Communication is submitting FIBAA International accreditation from Germany. Through this program, UMM Communication expectedly gains recognition and internationalize its study program more quickly. “I entrusted to Faye to participate in providing a perspective on UMM Communication to the University of Liverpool. We expect that the university may be our strategic partner for us in the future,” stated the head of the study program. (*)
