Communication UMM Invites Pemalang Al-Manaar Santri to Be More Open Minded

Wednesday, December 08, 2021 09:05 WIB

The enthusiasm of students in the world of communication science was very large. The field of communication is considered a future profession that must be mastered by students considering the increasingly severe challenges of da'wah. This was stated by the director of the Al-Manaar Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Pemalang, Central Java, Sapto Suhendro, S.Ag, M.Pd, Tuesday (7/12/2021)

"We want our students to have broad insight into the world of technology and communication," said Sapto when delivering 168 students and 30 religious teachers to visit the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The group was received by the Head of the UMM Communication Studies Study Program, Nasrullah, in the UMM Dome theater room. Accompanying him were the Secretary of the Jamroji Study Program and Isnani Dzuhrina, as well as several lecturers.

As a member of Muhammadiyah, Sapto admitted that he was proud to have a campus as big as UMM. According to him, that pride will become an inspiration as a reference for the development of the Islamic boarding school he leads. In addition, students are expected to have more confidence to advance if they can continue their studies at Muhammadiyah campuses.

“One word we can say when we enter this campus is WOW! Subhanallah," he said.

Nasrullah explained the profile of UMM and the Communication Study Program through the video that was shown. The students are motivated to have the spirit to build dreams and ideals from the start. With ideals, he said, will drive the subconscious to be manifested in an effort or endeavor to achieve them.

"The ideals of childhood can change when you go to school or college. It can also change after having experiences, such as doing this visit. So increase your dreams and have experiences and learn as much as you can to get closer to reality," said Nasrullah, the former head Public Relations of UMM.

The world today is changing faster. According to Nasrullah, students must have the 4Cs, namely critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration. "This is a provision of 21st century skills that cannot be avoided to face the challenges of the internet of things, artificial intelligence, automation, big data and others," said Nasrullah.

At the end of his presentation, Nasrullah advised students not to stop learning and be more open minded. Association and broad insight are needed as provisions for the future.

“Keep excited about continuing your studies. Please choose the best campus at home or abroad. Don't look at the state or the private sector anymore, what matters is the quality. Because now the standards are clear, both in terms of accreditation and the quality of graduates," he explained.

Ten students received merchandise from UMM Communication Study Program after answering several questions. The event, which was hosted by young lecturers Moch Fuad Nasvian and Arum Martikasari, ended impressively with a group photo. (nsr)
